Portronics 5 port USB charging station review


Are you using a lot of USB ports of your laptop or computer? So there is a solution for it. Let us know about this new 5 port USB charging station. With this device the major work of multi tasking is done as you can charge 5 USB using this device.

portronics 5 port usb charging station

Portronics 5 port USB charging station


portronics 5 port usb charging station


The device is colored Black. The build quality of the device is good. Even if it fells down it may not broke(We never did a drop test :-P). The device is light weight. If we look at the design then it looks very simple. There is a 3 point adapter and cable which can be attached with this device.

portronics 5 port usb charging station

The placement of the USB`s are done with a unique way. The designers have thought about the users while creating the design. There are two USBs at the top, 1 each on three sides and at one side there is a chord. So design wise full marks to this device.

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portronics 5 port usb charging station


The performance of this device is good. Also there is a lag of 1.5 seconds when you connect and switch on the device. This is acceptable. After connecting device to USB there is no problems as such. The cable is also long. So it is convenient. I charged my MP3 player, Mobile phone using USB chord, also my digital camera & 2 mobiles of my friends. It was working great.


We used the device extensively for more than a week. We liked the device. The MRP of the device is Rs.1,999 which may be a concern for people. But you can get it at a heavy discounted price. Buy Now!

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