How to recover deleted files ?


You might have accidentally deleted important data from your computer. You have deleted the data even from your recycle bin. Also you might have deleted the data using the Shift+Del keys. Now you again need the data. Is it possible.

how to recover files

How to recover deleted files

Yes you can recover the deleted files. You can use the PC tools File Recover Software for this purpose. This is a lot of boon for your computer. It will answer this question and you can recover your files with ease in minutes. The procedure is very simple indeed.

It does recover the files instantly if deleted from hard drives or from fixed media. The home user can also scan through the radid search engine of this software. So the files can be searched without any poblems and the files can be recovered.

The software uses a non-destructive and read-only file recovery apprach. It does supports hard drives with Windows FAT16, FAT32 & NTFS file systems. So what are you waiting for ?, use the PC Tools File recover software.

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