5 Christmas Softwares you should never miss!


Hello friends. From the team of Technary I wish you a Merry Christmas! Now what are your plans today? There are many things which you are going to do today. Why don`t you enjoy Christmas in a unique way, which no one has done. Lets see how we can make this Christmas unique and make it fun.


Every Christmas there are many things coming over internet to make you enjoy. I have searched for many such things. The best thing is the small tools or softwares. So we have done the complete research for you for such wonderful softwares. These softwares are tested by us and can be used by any age.

So what are you waiting for? Let us start with the Christmas softwares.

5 Christmas Softwares you should never miss

1. Christmas Lights

This is a for your windows desktop. You can do lots of variations in this software and can light up your desktop. Pretty easy huh? Why don`t you try it now for free.

Download (536 KB)

2. Snowball Fight

Are you boared with traditional snowball fight in the winters. Now its time to play the snowball fights in your home. You can play this game from your computer now.

Download ( 2MB )

3. Christmas Fonts

You can enjoy the various christmas fonts. You can write good greetings using these fonts. It is very resourceful for all the people and you will surely enjoy these fonts to the fullest. I used some of them and people love it!

Shareware font by Match Fonts.
Download Font (81k Zip File)
Carr Xmas Dingbats. Freeware font by Alan Carr.
Download Font (56k Zip File)
Freeware font by wa2ise.
Download Font (22k Zip File)
Freeware font by Font-a-licious Fonts.
Download Font (28k Zip File)
Freeware font by Astigmatic-One-Eye.
Download Font (15k Zip File)
Freeware font by Sokrates.
Download Font (19k Zip File)

So what are you waiting for try out these exquisite fonts!

4. Christmas Tree

Enjoy decorating your christmas tree using this software. You can listen to Christmas Carols and also decorate your Christmas tree at the same time.

Download Software (4.0Mb Zip file)

5. Santa`s Secret Valley

Get ready to be in an adventure where you can rescue santa`s magic items. The game has many puzzles and quizes.

Download Software (4.6 Mb EXE file)

I hope that you will enjoy these softwares to the fullest this Christmas!

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Likes to review Softwares and Gadgets. In love with blogging since a long time. A very enthusiastic and dynamic person. We appreciate the comments from our visitors. If you want to review any gadget or software, contact us! 🙂

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