iOS X Mavericks Free OS from Apple


Now people can get iOS X Mavericks software for free. iOS X Mavericks is the coolest OS from Apple. The best part is that it is available for free. How many times it has happened that Apple is giving away free OS? It happens very few times. When its free you have a chance to grab the opportunity. Download it and enjoy its features.

 iOS X Mavericks

iOS X Mavericks Features

From the iOS X Mavericks there are few things which are highlighted. The most important one is the iLife suite. This suite is very important and will give you access to exciting features. The exciting features include Garageband, iPhoto and iMovie. So Apple is also naming its features with a prefix of “i”. So all are excited.

I immediately downloaded this operating system and started using it. This is an awesome stuff altogether. I am happy that they have introduced many new things in this operating system. Best thing is all updates are free of charge

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