Call For Code 2020 – Create solutions for Global Climate Change


One of the most important issues of our time is Climate Change. The shifting weather patterns, rising sea levels, and many more such incidents are impacts of climate change. We will have to take major action to prevent such changes for a bright future. With the consumption of fossil fuels, deforestation, etc there has been major damage done to the climate by humans.

 Call For Code 2020 – Create solutions for Global Climate Change 

The unusual climate change is catastrophic in terms of loss in economy and also human lives. Problems like increasing Global Temperature need to be solved with actions based on data driven strategies.

Cyclone Amphan

Cyclone Amphan

Recently the Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan which was a deadly and powerful tropical cyclone caused damage in East India and in Bangladesh this month. This cyclone caused huge damage including financial losses. At peak time of this cyclone it had 3 minute wind speeds of 240km/h. With the use of technology such a catastrophic event could have been alarmed well before, to be prepared for the affected regions.

Call for code 2020

Call for Code 2020

David Clark Cause the creator & IBM the founding partner of Call for Code are back with a Global Challenge. For tech enthusiasts and developers/innovators this event gives you a major opportunity to explore this challenge.

This is a global competition where Call for Code asks developers & innovators to create effective, practical and super quality apps based on the IBM services. They have vast services which include Blockchain, AI, IoT, Data, Analytics, Cloud, Mobile, Web and Weather. The largest aim is to solve the most important humanitarian issues to make this world a better place. So teams of Developers, Designers, Business Analysts, Subject Matter Experts are challenged to build solutions to eradicate the impact of climate change.

Amazing Perks & Prizes for Developers

All the winners will get an invitation for the Call for Code Global Award announcement. They will also get support from the Linux Foundation. Apart from solving such an important humanitarian problem the team will win amazing perks.

Amazing Perks for Developers

Global Challenge

  • USD $200,000 Grand Prize Winner – Solution Implementation through Code and Response. They will also get an opportunity for mentorship and also investment in the solution
  • USD $25,000 – 1st & 2nd Runner Up
  • USD $10,000 – 3rd and 4th Runner Up

For the University team winner, a Grand Prize of USD 10,000 will be awarded to the team. Also each student team member from the winning team and runner up will get an opportunity to interview for a potential role at IBM. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to participate and try to win this competition. Getting such an interview opportunity in an MNC Company(IBM) is itself more rewarding for the student.

Over 165 nations have been registered for this challenge in the past. 210,000+ developers, problem solvers and data scientists have participated in this challenge in past years. The best part is that 8000+ applications have been built in the past 2 years. This is a great number of applications, as these will help in solving the major global problem of climate change.

Role of Data Analytics, AI, Internet of Things & Blockchain to solve Climate Change Problems

Important problems in Climate change like Water Sustainability, Energy sustainability and Disaster Resiliency can be solved using technology. Important role of these technologies will help solve global environmental challenges like water quality and quantity. It will help to use water more efficiently. IoT solutions can be built which monitors hyper-localized weather data and can help farmers create crop strategies and optimize water usage.

Call For Code 2020 - Create solutions for Global Climate Change

With increasing population, there has been an increase in the consumption of fossil fuels. Due to use of fossil fuels a lot of Water & Air Pollution has damaged the global climate. Solution is to invest in wind, Solar & thermal power. Various technologies will help in increasing energy productivity and also providing more efficient energy. By using these technologies, data can be harnessed and useful decisions & major steps can be taken to increase energy productivity.

Call For Code 2020 - Create solutions for Global Climate Change

We have to be disaster resilient as due to Natural disasters many people lose their valuable lives. With the use of Artificial Intelligence we can be disaster resilient and be prepared to handle the disaster beforehand.

Call for Code 2020 Winning Solutions will be executed and deployed. The winning solutions will be further enhanced and developed to solve problems real time. It’s not just about the competition it is all about solving society problems. Many competitions are there where the developers code and it’s of no use later. This is a competition which gives you support in terms of using open source technologies for the social good. Solutions built during this challenge will help mankind.

Hey Developer, why wait? Enroll Now!

Are you ready to take the challenge to solve critical problems like Climate change using the technologies? Well you know this is the right time to enroll as you can work remotely and join a team and contribute to the good of the society. It is absolutely free to participate. If you are a developer then do take a chance and try this challenge. You would certainly uplift your skills and if your solution is brilliant you may win the rewards from the competition too. Your ideas and solution can change millions of lives. It’s time to start!

Register to Call for Code 2020
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