Seagate will give hard disk failure insurance


Seagate has been one of the leading manufacturers of hard drive. People also prefer to buy the external hard disks provided by Seagate. It takes a lot of time to get that reputation. People are relied on this brand very much. The prices are competitive too.

Seagate hard disk insurance
Seagate hard disk insurance

They keep on doing many changes in their gadgets so that they can stand out. They are now doing the same. They are offering insurance to their hard disks for the customers. They are the first one to do this. They can get successful too by doing this. Now the trust between people and Seagate will surely get increased by margins.

The name of the plans which Seagate announced are Seagate Rescue and Seagate Rescue and Replace. They are on a roll by announcing two plans in a single day. Now a days the data recovery procedure is expensive. So company wants to ensure whatever best they can give to their customers. These plans will start at $30 for a period of two years. They are also offering plans for 3 and 4 years which cost $40 and $50.

This is not that expensive to keep your data backup. This is one of the greatest opportunities for the customers to make a lot of decisions in their life by data backup. They will take care of the rest. The other plan is Seagate rescue and Replace which costs just $10 more than the above mentioned plans.

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