5 Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience


Do you love your smartphone? Are you a power user? Then you are reading the right article we are here to help you to make the most of your smartphone.

You must use your mobile a lot. Right from calling, texting, checking mails, whatsapp, social media networks, online shopping, etc. Have you really thought of how to optimize your smartphone to get the most powerful experience out of it?

Well if not, then you can do so with ease. We will help make you, not only a power user of your smartphone, but a very smart power user. You will be amazed to know the ways, which you can do to enrich your smartphone to get a better smartphone experience by using these hacks.

So are you ready to tweak and make your smartphone experience better?

1. Control various functions using Spare Parts Plus

You must be thinking that this dude is talking about some spare parts of vehicles. The answer is NO :-P. This app will give you a lot of control over a many functions of your smartphone. These are really easy to use. With the help of this app you can easily control the windows animation speeds or you can disable them. You can view the battery information and the history. Adjusting the screen brightness can also be done using this app.

Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience

Apart from this it also shows the usage statistics. You can easily track down or stop any apps that consume a lot of power. You will see that most of these functions are hidden at different location of the smartphone. This app will help you to control all of them from one place. So start controlling your phone in a smarter way.

2. Freeze the unwanted built in apps

Now in your android phone, the day you bought it you might have observed that there are a lot of apps which are built in. The most surprising part is you only end up using half of them and you are often annoyed by the existence of these apps. These apps are basically inserted by the manufacturer which you cannot get rid off easily.

Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience

They just bloat your system. Deleting them might be a problem, but you can easily freeze these apps which you don`t want using a Bloatware Freezer. Freezing unwanted apps will surely make your system faster and considerably improve your battery performance. The app shows you the list of apps on your phone which can be safely freezed. You can easily freeze the in-built apps and can make your smartphone perform faster.

3. Make lock screen wonderful

Are you bored of your lock screen? The fact is that you are bored of it and still you are might be lazy like me to change it. You see your lock screen for a lot of time. So why not make it more friendly to you. You can easily create your own lock screen using the MyLocker. With this app you can insert a picture of your friends, family or your loved ones or a beautiful landscape.

Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience

It is always better to see what you like in life than just looking at the default boring lock screen which you have never cared for. So start tweaking it for a better visual experience and be happy!

4. Shopping online using app

Do you love online shopping? Well we also like shopping online. How do you like to shop?

Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience

Shopping using your mobile is fun and now has become a utility. Recently Myntra shut their web portal and will only active on be their app. So now shopping using mobile app is trending and #ItsPersonal. Have you experienced shopping through a mobile app? If not why don`t you download the Myntra App and have a smarter experience in shopping online.

5. Use a memory cleaning app to increase performance

Hacks to get the best Smartphone experience

Using these hacks you should be able to explore your smartphone better. So to have a superb experience you need to install the CleanMaster app. This will help you to boost your memory and speed of your smartphone. It will help you to get rid of files which you don`t use to get more space. It can immediately close the battery sucking applications. Apart from this it gives you a safety measure by seeking and destroying any viruses giving you an ultimate protection.

All this can be done with this app automatically.

We hope that you will use these hacks to have a superior smartphone experience. Being a power user is good but being a smart user and knowing what it is cool is better. So why don`t you spread this knowledge among your friends and family so that they can enrich their smartphone experience too.

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