4 useful Mozilla Firefox Add-ons


There are many many add-ons available for your browser. Most of them are crap. But we are here to let you know which of them are exquisite and useful for you. The add-ons are specially created for specific purpose. Basically they are software utilities which help the user experience.

NoScript Security Suite

NoScript Security Suite

The security suite add-on is used for the Mozilla Firefox Browser. The Mozilla makes this add-on added to the browser and adds the security to the Internet Browsing to the user. It says that it’s the best security which it can provide to your browser. It allows the active content from the sites which the user trusts.

It protects against XSS and clickjacking attacks.

It only allows the Java, Javascript only from the trusted domains keeping you secure. It keeps you away from the cross side scripting attacks(XSS). Experts and even we say that Firefox is safer with Noscript.

Visit the page of the NoScript Add-on

Blocking of flash content on the Web is possible by:

Flashblock 1.5.17


Using this add-on for Firefox will block the flash content on the web. This blocks the Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Shockwave & Macromedia Authorware. You also got to take care before using this add-on. The reason is that it blocks flash and eventually most of the online games are on flash. So you will not be able to play any online games.

Add the add-on Flashblock Here

To block the advertisements

Adblock Plus 2.2.4


So if you do not like the annoying banners on websites then for Firefox users you can use the Adblock Plus Add-on. Not only it can hide the banner advertisements, but also it can make your browser safe from tracking of the many e-commerce portals. So enjoy an internet browsing experience without the advertisements.

Add the add-on Adblock Plus here.

Now lets have an add-on for faster browsing.

Fasterfox Lite 3.9.9Lite


For all the Firefox users you got to install this add-on for fast browsing. It has tweaked configuration which makes the web pages loaded faster and manages the caches of the page. It helps in to provide a passage between a web page and the user. Make the Firefox Browsing experience fast!

Add the Fasterfox Lite add-on here

 We hope that you use these add-ons effectively. As per the needs use these software utilities for you Firefox Browser. Lets make Internet Browsing Fun on Technary!

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